
rapid development
programming language
constrained device framework

Dpdl Language Integrations

Dpdl is compact,
self contained, portable and highly customizable.

Languages & integrations

Dpdl enables access to the Java platform JRE API and to external java libraries, Native shared libraries, Wasm modules and GPUs and supports the embedding and on-the-fly execution of multiple programming languages like ANSI C, C++, Python, Julia, JavaScript, Lua, OCaml, Ruby, Java, Wgsl and Clojure directly within Dpdl code.

Ruby Programming Language
Ruby Programming Language
Ruby Programming Language
WebGPU Shading Language

Define possibilities

Further programming languages and natural language interpreters can be implemented as extensions and embedded via a dedicated plug-in interface and configuration.

Powerful and Versatile

Software written with Dpdl will be enabled to access thousands of existing high-quality software libraries.

Dpdl is designed to be Simple, Compact, Robust, Extensible and Portable to almost every platform.

By combining the portability and
vast API availability

Java and Python, the computational power of Julia, the web enablement of JavaScript and WebAssembly (Wasm), the expressiveness of Luaand Clojure, the simplicityof Ruby, the power of C and C++ programming language and a simple access to java Api’s, Native libraries, Wasm modules and GPUs, Dpdl provides a powerful and versatile development platform for industrial applications, education and research.

Suitable for a wide range of use-cases and Hardware programming.

Embedded ANSI C code and OCaml can also be dynamically compiled in memory at runtime in order to achieve faster execution performance.
Common IoT protocol stacks such as Bluetooth™ and CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) are supported by default and further protocols and functions can be added as extensions.

Join thousands of satisfied
DPDL users. The future is NOW!
Download the lite version now!

Dpdl can be used as


  • Rapid application development platform and Fast prototyping
  • Embedded scripting engine
  • Library module
  • Utility tool
  • Data handling on memory constrained devices
  • Development of Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
  • Generative AI code
  • to encode, store, control and query data efficiently on small memory footprint devices.

Dpdl comes with a very compact (ca. 650 Kb for DpdlEngine core + ANSI C interpreter/compiler) and portable scripting engine with an extensible API interface for the development of mobile applications and embedded system software.

The Dpdl language constructs and syntax is kept simple and follows an Object Oriented paradigminteroperable with the Java platform API and external java libraries.

Join the DPDL evolution

by SEE Solutions
Dynamic Package Definition Language

Dpdl Language Integrations